(415) 353-2808
Sports Performance

Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Chronic diseases are driven by silent inflammation. Our Sports Dietitian is highly experienced in designing an anti-inflammatory diet that both fits your lifestyle and accomplishes the following:

  • Meal planning with a focus on balancing the protein to glycemic load, which stabilizes insulin levels and improves blood sugar control
  • Achievement of 40:30:30 macronutrient ratios with caloric restriction, considered as a form of dietary-induced “gene silencing” for silent inflammation
  • Balancing omega-3 + omega-6 fatty acid dietary ratios, which together can alter the expression of inflammatory genes
  • Reestablishing hormonal balance to generate satiety instead of constant hunger
  • Adding variety of plants to your diet to make it richer in colorful, non-starchy vegetables to increase polyphenols
  • Consideration of evidence-based fish oil supplement to enhance an anti-inflammatory diet foundation: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
At a Glance

Meet Our Team

  • Nationally renowned female orthopaedic surgeons
  • Board-certified, fellowship-trained
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